wtorek, 26 sierpnia 2014


nadszedł ten dzień, tak więc widzimy się niebawem!

this day has come, so see you soon!
 wishing you (and us) a really wonderful week!

niedziela, 24 sierpnia 2014


niedzielne popołudnie spędziliśmy w RESTAURACJI BAWARSKIEJ, 
gdzie objedliśmy się jak bąki... 
a podobno obżarstwo to grzech, 
więc mogę powiedzieć, że zgrzeszyliśmy i to baaardzo...
~ zupa cebulowa! / onion soup! ~
~ time for dessert! ~
...żeby tego było mało niedzielny wieczór spędziliśmy z rodziną mojego M. 
i zgadnijcie co?
 ...kolejna dawka wielkiego obżarstwa.. ooh meen!
as if that was not enough, we spent Sunday evening with my M's family.
and guess what?
another dose of great gluttony... ooh boy!
to był naprawdę udany dzień. uwielbiam takie niedziele! 
it was a really good day. I love Sunday just like this!
hope you have a wonderful weekend!

piątek, 22 sierpnia 2014


it's Friday, yay!
I have no strength for anything. 
I'm exhausted after last night with my girls (yes, I have a hangover...teeny, tiny), 
but I have to admit that it was wonderful to spend the evening with them... 
....and night because I was at home at about 5 am (ooh yes, 5 am!). 
it's too bad that our next meeting will be until next year (because my girl goes to the USA as I wrote earlier).
anyway, it's Friday so almost the weekend and then we go on holiday!


środa, 20 sierpnia 2014

wtorek, 19 sierpnia 2014


hi everyone!
dzisiejszy dzień był naprawdę cudowny. 
urodziny mojego Szczęścia uwielbiam chyba tak samo jak swoje.
zrobiłam dla mojego Solenizanta bezowe babeczki i smakowały (podobno!).
~ make a wish and... ~
hope your day was great, too!


dear sweet fiance..
I love you so much!

niedziela, 17 sierpnia 2014


Me & m decided to make a Mojito on Saturday night. We all prepared in a large jug, because we didn't want to do every time a new drink. It's really comfortable, I would recommend to anyone! Anyway, we drank our drinks and talked for almost the entire night. I really really love the evenings with my beloved and planning our future life together.
This was Saturday.
On Sunday we went for a walk with Rufi. 
I can't remember the last time we took him for such a loooooooong walk, 
but I think he was happy about it. 
Here are a few photos from our day...
~ and after a walk it was time for a little chill in the garden... ~
~ perfect match? haha. ~
~ love this pic! ~
hope you have a wonderful weekend!

czwartek, 14 sierpnia 2014


at the beginning of the week I had a little date with my sister. 
we were in Pizza Hut, because who said that at 10 am you can not eat dinner meal?
~ first we ate cream of broccoli (tasted a bit like a cucumber soup, but it was delicious) ~
~ this pizza was incredibly delicious! ~
~ and finally dessert! I'm hungry right now! ~

we spent a wonderful day together. love my sis ♥ 


Meteopaci mają przechlapane szczególnie kiedy jest pogoda taka jak teraz (deszcz, zmiana temp.,), 
wierzcie mi, wiem co mówię bo sama jestem jednym z nich. 
Dlatego postanowiłam dodać kilka zdjęć ze słonecznego weekendu! 
W takie pogody czuję się najlepiej.. Miłego czwartku!

Have a wonderful day my dear friends. it's almost the weekend...

wtorek, 12 sierpnia 2014


last weekend we were in the beautiful city - Opole. 
it was a wonderful weekend because there is nothing better than spending time with loved ones. 
and ohh how I love the city at night.
~ we visited the American restaurant - Papa Jack. really lovely place ~
~ looks and tastes yummy! ~
~ what can I say... I love Mojito! ~
hope you have an amazing weekend wherever you are. xoxo

niedziela, 10 sierpnia 2014